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News Subscribers
Supplement Buyers
Beauty Buyers
Device Buyers
Lists / Segments
Daily News
Promo Channel
List Dynamics
NEW: 50,000+ / month
OPEN: 12% - 20%
CTO: 5% - 15%
CTR: 0.5% - 2%
Total Size Min-Order CPM
300,000 300,000 $2
300,000 250,000 $12
Female: 68% Med Age: 45
HHI: 100K+ Education: College
Kids: 47%
Devices: 50% Mobile
Type / Frequency
Top Native Ad (Title+Intro+CTA) Daily
Dedicated / Solo (5 / week)

Wellness helps people live healthier, happier and more successful lives by connecting them with the best health, wellness and lifestyle resources on the web. The list is over 300K subscribers strong with a 68% female following leaning towards the 45+ age demographic. They are great product buyers, love to try new things but not especially fitness oriented.