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News Subscribers
E-Book Buyers
Supplement Buyers
Device Buyers
Lists / Segments
Daily News
Promo Channel
List Dynamics
NEW: 2,000+ / day
OPEN: 10% - 20%
CTO: 5% - 15%
CTR: 0.5% - 2%
Total Size Min-Order CPM
200,000 200,000 $2
200,000 200,000 $12
Male: 81% Med Age: 61
HHI: 100K+ Education: College
Kids: 38%
Devices: 69% Mobile
Type / Frequency
Top Native Ad (Title+Intro+CTA) 5 / Week
Dedicated / Solo (3 / week) brings you the day’s news, views and content for critical thinking to help keep you informed, independent and self-reliant. The subscriber demographic leans slightly male, mostly conservative and caters to the 50+ demographic with the median age of 58. The list is reasonably responsive to political and self-reliance offers. Subscribers receive a daily newsletter and a daily promotional email. The list gets 10% or better open rates and sees a 5-15% click-to-open rate on effective copy.