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News Subscribers
E-Book Buyers
Supplement Buyers
Device Buyers
Lists / Segments
Daily News
Promo Channel
List Dynamics
NEW: 2,000+ / day
OPEN: 10% - 15%
CTO: 5% - 15%
CTR: 0.5% - 2%
Total Size Min-Order CPM
50,000 50,000 $2
50,000 50,000 $12
Female: 67% Med Age: 36
HHI: 70K+ Education: College
Kids: 48%
Devices: 60% Mobile
Type / Frequency
Top Native Ad (Title+Intro+CTA) 5 / Week
Dedicated / Solo (1 / week)

Happier Daily exists to help people live happier lives. The editors search the web for anything that can make people’s day or improve their life. The list leans more towards 40+ females and the subscribers are very responsive to anything that has a good call-to-action. Subscribers receive a daily newsletter and a daily promotional email. The list gets 10% or better open rates and sees a 5-15% click-to-open rate on effective copy.